Feb 7: 10:30 am. Manometry probe.
I have a swallowing disorder. I can now eat about as much food as a one-year-old child. I recently experienced a procedure called a Manometry probe, to test the muscles of my esophagus. I was totally unaware that my esophagus muscles have been slacking off. A nurse inserted (stuffed) a thick rubber tube through my nose, then ran water through it and down my throat to my esophageal sphincter (yes, that’s a real thing). A tube, huh? More like a garden hose! I could swear the nurse was smiling as she turned on the spigot.
11:18 am: Finally! Water torture completed. Tube removed. Anybody got any Gerber applesauce? Or Tito’s?
Yikes, Sounds (and looks) awful!
Glad to see you have a sense of humor about it!